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Forgive Yourself | MS Mindset

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Today I want to talk about forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness. interesting topic, right?

One of thing that is important when you live with MS and fatigue, like I do is finding a place of joy in our life and acceptance. Often this starts with forgiveness.

When we can allow ourselves to forgive ourselves. Now that sounds kind of heady, right? “Oh, I'm going to forgive myself for having MS and fatigue and all the other crap that comes with it.” Actually, we, are human beings, in general can be really hard on ourselves.

There are many times in my life, that I feel that I haven't handled the situation well, and it's because I've hit a wall of fatigue due to MS. It's like, boom, I'm right there with it and maybe I've been snappy right? It's not maybe I have been snapping. I did snap!

So recognizing that we're human, we're not perfect. Taking responsibility for that. First of all, forgiving myself. Having some compassion, some empathy, MS is tough. It is tough, some days. For some people it’s every day or every minute of every day. So, when it is tough, I just need to forgive myself.

I want to forgive myself. And with that comes forgiving others. The other day I was snapping at my sweetie because I was shooting these videos but I said I'd be napping. When I sweetie got back from some errands, all of a sudden I heard all noise upstairs. There was bagging and something fell down.

I was really mad at the time. You know, it's like, it takes me a lot energy and effort to record these videos. I can’t have noise and that does work for me. I went upstairs because, I just recorded video and all the sounds in it. I was grumpy and abrupt.

Then I realized that was crappy to be that way with my sweetie. So I knowledge that I said I was sorry. I then felt better about acknowledging my behavior.  I also realized that I needed to forgive myself. To say “Hey Jen, you know you had some disappointment that there were some noise suddenly, a video can be shot again. Wasn't really all that good anyway. Actually, it was pretty good.”

When you can have that forgiveness towards yourself and you can allow yourself to just be with that, it's amazing how that can bring peace, peace of mind. And in order to do that, I just want to invite you back into doing some breath work with me.

Breathe in through your nose. Breathe out through your nose. Nice deep breath in and then out.

Think about a time for a moment where you feel bad about the way you responded to something you said to someone you care about. Then put your hand on your heart.

Take a few breaths in and out.

Close your eyes if you like.

Say, I forgive myself. I'm okay. I'm doing the best I can (While your hand is on your heart).

There's a connection between the breath and the heart and the brain when you put your hand on our heart. Really breathe in and breathe out and allow forgiveness to be there for yourself. Not an excuse, but just invited to be there. Be okay about it. I forgive myself for snapping yesterday.

After doing this, I notice my system starts to calm down. Sometimes it can take five minutes or ten minutes to do that, and that's okay. Sometimes it'll just be a one breath in and out.

So invite you to explore this idea of forgiveness within yourself.


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