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🏆 Multiple Sclerosis - 3 Keys to Take Back Control

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In review, allow acceptance to be there because MS is going to play a role in your life. When you push it away, what you're saying is I'm denying the fact that I live with MS. Don’t do that. It’s not a happy way forward.

Make that list of 10 things that you do have control over in your life. Focus on one of them. Pick the easiest and commit to regularly focusing on taking action. You will feel empowered. It will bring you confidence. It will remind you that you do have control over your life and that your life is moving forward with hope, possibility, excitement and so much more.

Multiple Sclerosis - 3 Keys to Take Back Control

If it seems strange to accept MS, then remember it is a part of you no matter how small or big of a role it plays in your life. When you accept MS, you'll realize you have more control over your life versus less.

I want to talk about acceptance,...

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