🧠Your Brain Health Matters When You Livewith MS [click here]
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🧠Your Brain Health Matters [Living with MS]

Fire up your MS brain to improve your brain health.

Let’s get your brain functioning even better. One of the best ways to improve your brain’s capacity is by learning and practicing something new.

Learning can bring joy, confidence and empowerment on how to stretch yourself in ways you may not have considered possible. 

Four months after being diagnosed with MS, I went to the library and started reading books about topics I was interested in. It was super important back then for me to help my brain recover from a massive MS attack. And it remains a priority to this day. This is what I have done for over 12 years. I always have at least one online course, an audio book or paperback on the go. 

I believe this is one of the key reasons that I have been able to improved my brain function. 

Our brains have an amazing ablitity to be neoplastic. This means we can increase our brains ability and capacity over time with practice. 

Over the years, I...

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πŸ™ MS: Importance of Gratitude πŸ’œ

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Let's talk about gratitude when living with MS. I think it's an important time of year to bring up the discussion around gratitude, especially if you are living in the US and you're celebrating Thanksgiving this week. No matter where you are in the world, of course, gratitude matters. 

MS: Importance of Gratitude

Let's talk about gratitude when living with MS. I think it's an important time of year to bring up the discussion around gratitude, especially if you are living in the US and you're celebrating Thanksgiving this week, no matter where you are in the world, of course, gratitude matters. I live in Canada and I learned a long time ago how important gratitude was to my life. I'd like to share that story with you and also share my gratitude practice.

For those of you who don't know me, I'm Jen DeTracey. I'm the founder of...

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Feeling Understood Master Class for Women with MS

The Feeling Understood Master Class for women with MS is no longer available for free. You can now purchase if you would would like to get access.

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βœ… What to do before Mavenclad - Year One Checklist

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I want to talk about my experience with Mavenclad and how I prepared for it. Because the fact is that when I started year one, I didn’t know anything about Mavenclad, including the steps I needed to take. So, I’m covering it for you now. 

  What to do before Mavenclad - Year One Checklist

Today I’ll cover all the steps you need to take to be approved for Mavenclad and how to prepare.

I want to talk about my experience with Mavenclad and how I prepared for it. Because the fact is that when I started year one, I didn’t know anything about Mavenclad, including the steps I needed to take. So, I’m covering it for you now.

Maybe you're feeling a little anxious, it's okay because I'm going to explain the details to you.

Shingles is a derivative of herpes zoster (the same virus that causes chickenpox) and it can happen when you take Mavenclad. It...

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πŸ‘©β€πŸ¦½ Get Your Body Moving Every Day with MSπŸšΆβ€β™€οΈ

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When you live with MS, getting your body moving regularly can be life giving for your brain. It helps you think more clearly and better regulate your mood and emotions. Plus it's fantastic for your body. 

‍ Get Your Body Moving Every Day with MS‍

I remember when I discovered that there were physiotherapists that specialized in working with people with neurological issues. I was excited because I didn’t realized these people existed outside of the neurological hospitals.

I was assigned to a specialist named Jill. The first time I met her, I was surprised and delighted. She used a wheelchair.

I told Jill that when the MS fatigue is at its highest, sometimes I don't leave the house for days. Her response was get out every day, even if you're just going around the block. Just walk around the block and if you feel up to it, then do more. Get some fresh air, get...

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😍 How to do Self-Empathy for MS

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Jen talks about self empathy is about acknowledging your feelings of anger, frustration, grief, worry, and so on when you are newly diagnosed with MS or have been living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for a long time.

How to do Self-Empathy for MS 

If you are just tuning in for the first time, this video series is about the messy house that we have in our heads and how to tame it as human beings living with MS.

We have lots of layers of messiness in our lives. We can tame our minds like a lion.

What I want to share with you in the messiness, the rawness and the realness of MS is the concept of self-empathy. This is something I teach and talk about a lot. I learned self-empathy from two amazing mentors, Sarah Payton and Eric Bowers. I went to a series of workshops over 12 months to learn about this technique as well as others.

In fact, at the time, I was in the first few years...

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πŸ”¦ Shifting Perspective with MS 🦚

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Our minds constantly have messy thoughts that circulate through our brain. As women living with MS, shifting your perspective can make a big difference, bringing more peace and joy into your life. 

Shifting Perspective with MS

When you live with MS (and fatigue) plus all the other attributes that go with it, sometimes life can get pretty messy in our heads. I’m referring to the messiness of our thoughts.

In fact, all people, no matter what their circumstances, MS or no MS, have messiness in their minds. My philosophy is as people who live with MS, our thoughts might be a little messier at times. This is where perspective shifting is most helpful.

In episode number three, I talked about how swimming was a place that I go to that takes me away from thinking about MS. When I forget about MS, I'm joyous. I'm in the moment. It's pleasurable. It can be very freeing.

One thing...

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πŸ† Resilience and MS - You Are Resilient❕

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Resilience is one of qualities that people develop as they navigate the challenges that come from living with MS. Jen DeTracey shares a personal story and how it relates to her journey on managing life with MS.

Resilience and MS - You Are Resilient

When you think about resilience, how does it show up in your life?

I’d like to share a story about my cousin Damon. He died of kidney failure in his early 40s. I witnessed his life get harder and harder to the point where he couldn’t leave his home for days. He couldn’t eat. He was throwing up almost daily. We're talking like heavy duty suffering here.

Damon and I would often chat on Facetime. He gave me an old iPad so we could connect on video.

I love my cousin. As a little kid he was my favorite. He was so full of life and cute as a button. It broke my heart to witness how hard is life was from such an early age. His...

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😒 People with MS Experience Loss of Family or Friends

loss multiple sclerosis Sep 22, 2022

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71% of people living with MS experience loss of family members or friends. These individuals aren’t able to handle the trauma or changes that come with MS.

People with MS Experience Loss of Family or Friends 

71% of people living with MS experience loss of family members or friends. These individuals aren’t able to handle the trauma or changes that come with MS.

On top of you dealing with your diagnosis, issues can arise with depression, anxiety, stress, pain, relapses, fatigue, vision issues, or loss in abilities. You know what this list is in your situation.

This means we not only grieve our circumstances, you also grieve those who become absent in your life. Even if had a sense that MS was in your system before, now you finally have a label for it.
I call it a cold bucket moment.

When we have these cold bucket moments, it's tough, right?

Now you know...

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πŸ† Multiple Sclerosis - 3 Keys to Take Back Control

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In review, allow acceptance to be there because MS is going to play a role in your life. When you push it away, what you're saying is I'm denying the fact that I live with MS. Don’t do that. It’s not a happy way forward.

Make that list of 10 things that you do have control over in your life. Focus on one of them. Pick the easiest and commit to regularly focusing on taking action. You will feel empowered. It will bring you confidence. It will remind you that you do have control over your life and that your life is moving forward with hope, possibility, excitement and so much more.

Multiple Sclerosis - 3 Keys to Take Back Control

If it seems strange to accept MS, then remember it is a part of you no matter how small or big of a role it plays in your life. When you accept MS, you'll realize you have more control over your life versus less.

I want to talk about acceptance,...

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